Friday 1 July 2011

The Apostle and Prophet of the Dance!

This is one of my favourite pictures from our Worship Conference at Harvester Reformational Church Halifax. Yes, I do keep giving us our full title but that's because I'm so very, very happy that this work has begun up here in Yorkshire, and that Duncan and I have the privilege of leading it. I took many, many photos over the weekend - over 700, but as I've already said, this is one of my favourites. Let me introduce you to Prophet Lynette Collins and her husband, Apostle Leigh who are the leaders of the dance in the Harvester Church in Cape Town. I think The picture tells you all you need to know about them! Look at the joy in their faces! They are busy bringing Reformational thinking into churches all over the word and teaching on the dance in ways that are easy to understand and are accessible to all. To dance for the Lord, not for the congregation to be entertained, but as an expression in the whole body of the church, of our love and adoration to God. This is how He wants to be worshipped - in Spirit and in truth. This is how we worship in Harvester Reformational Churches. It is liberating and it it wonderful. 
They are a multi-talented family as Leigh and Kristopher their son, are excellent mime artists and we were treated to a sample of their gift on our Saturday fun night! 
Sadly, this wonderful family - along with Eric, Leigh's brother and his lovely wife, Angie are on their way back to Cape Town now and it was very sad to say goodbye; but we are connected in the Spirit. We are one family, one body in Christ and we are very blessed. 
Some of you may be thinking that this post is really one that should be on the Harvester church blog, not this one, but the more I go on, the more I realise that our lives cannot be compartmentalised in this way. We are who we are, we believe what we believe and we share what we know on every occasion. "Go and make disciples of all men...". Our 'card' says "commissioned to go. Commanded to love". We have to practice what we preach!
So I hope the Christian content has not offended any of my readers. But if it has...maybe there's something to think about there?


  1. Excellent, Beverly we both are rejoicing with you - love Pam and Peter xx

  2. What a lovely picture of two wonderful people :-)
