Monday 6 June 2011

How's Your handwriting?

Marking GCSE exam papers over the years has been an eye-opening experience. I'm afraid I'm coming to the conclusion that the vast majority of 15-16 year olds cannot write! Oh I don't mean that they cannot convey their ideas successfully onto the page.  They are as imaginative and inventive with the language as ever but they don't write with script that can be read. They are losing the ability to write legibly and I find that very sad. Keyboards and slide pads have taken over! Don't get me wrong, I love my lap top, but I also love the fact that I can, and often do, write with a fountain pen - it gives me great delight and it looks good and can be easily understood - well I think so. My dad had fantastic, beautiful handwriting. My sister has lovely, neat handwriting whenever she writes - it's always the same, always neat. Duncan and Harry both have very distinctive and lovely handwriting, as does Pam. As I said, what a sadness that this skill seems to be dying out in the future generations as they don't get to appreciate the beauty of it or see the need!

1 comment:

  1. I do agree Beverly - everything is changing so quickly these days and I shudder to think what language their children will be using in- say -30 year's time- will it all be text speak?? As for spelling !!!!?? Love Pam xx
