Thursday 29 September 2011

Hello, Hello, Hello!

We had our Ladies' Meeting yesterday, as usual, although some rather unusual things occurred! As we were preparing to begin in worship I saw, through the window, a tall, athletic man walking along the path towards the church with a young lad in tow. As the day was so glorious we had all the windows and door open wide. As the man and I made eye contact we immediately recognised each other, I had taught with him at Sowerby Bridge High! He was with a group of staff and Year 7 pupils on a walk around the valley and one of the pupils had a desperate need for a toilet! The teacher was exploring the Business Park and seeing our door open thought we may be able to provide the necessary toilet. He had no idea what the church was, that it was even there and even less idea that I was involved with it and so it was a good time of catch up while he waited for his pupil. Supplying the needs of the community takes many guises!
We then had our meeting and Duncan joined us at the end as he usually does after his day in college. We were having a cup of tea and chatting when we saw two uniformed policemen walking up the path towards the church. "Quick, hide all the stolen stuff!" was out of my mouth before I had chance to stop myself!!!  The policemen came in and joined us for a cuppa and we had a good chat and were able to tell them a little about the church and hear what they had been busy with in the town centre that day. As they left Duncan assured the that we would pray for them and Mohammed, one of the policeman, said he would pray for us. So we were able to meet the needs of more members of the community, albeit only with liquid refreshments at this time. But we are now known by two more groups of people in our community. 
"Your Word will run up and down the valley" was a word we had at the worship conference in June; a word that is now a song in the church thanks to Margaret who penned the lines. It's running! 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Beginning to Feel Confident!

Well, here it is; lurking behind the leaves is the Sonic Cat Scarer! Its manufacturers must be pretty confident of it working as they give a 4 week guarantee. That is, give it a month and if the cats have not been deterred then return it for a full refund.
So we put the batteries in and positioned it carefully and watched and waited.
Over a week has passed and apart from one or two piles at the start of the trial we have seen nothing since. We did test it on our cat and saw her shoot off and has since given the whole garden area a very wide berth. One of the tabby cats shot up on the shed roof and shot off very quickly so we are beginning to feel quietly confident that the device is actually successful.
We can supply the address of an excellent company who produce sonic scarers which do, it seems, work!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Titus Salt : Biography

Titus Salt : Biography

No Bigger Trees!

We went to Salt's Mill yesterday afternoon. We wanted to see the Hockney Bigger Trees Exhibition and were very disappointed that this exhibition is not open on Mondays and Tuesdays. Why not? I don't really understand why a door cannot be opened so that we can wander in and look. What prevents this on these two days? It would only take an extra person or two to keep an eye out for any vandalism wouldn't it? Or is there something about art galleries that I am failing to understand?
Given the number of staff on duty in the half empty Diner perhaps some of those could have been more usefully employed in the galleries as look outs. Well, not all of them, obviously, as they failed to 'look out' and see us for some considerable time, when we were seated and gasping for a cup of tea! 
The Bookshop is very good, though, so we spent a goodly time in there perusing a variety of books from more unusual publishers as well as the ones seen in high street bookshops. (The few that are remaining in the face of Amazon's increasing monopoly!)
The whole experience of being in Salt's Mill is wonderful. It is so very BIG! The heady, pungent perfume of lilies fills the galleries which is wonderful to the point of sickliness! The light and atmosphere are fantastic.
We shall return on a day when we can see the Bigger Trees and I'll write again to report on our experience. 
A very good lace to visit - and when you consider the history of the place, the wonderful Titus Salt who provided so much for his work force it gives much food for thought. (See following blog link.)
PS It isn't this Trees exhibition apparently! This one is too big to be housed in the Mill. The one that is on is 25 Trees! Sorry if I misled you!